A library can be considered a store – house of knowledge. In dictionaries the word “library” has been defined as “a building or room containing a collection of books”. A library renders a great service to the society. A library plays a very important role in promoting the progress of knowledge. There are many people who love reading. It is a stimulus to reading. It helps us develop a reading habit. Since its gates are open to all and sundry, to rich and poor, to professors and students, to scholars and lay-a-taste in books. In short, a library is a standing invitation to the public to come and read books as well as newspapers and periodicals. A well- equipped library is, indeed, the best friend, philosopher and guide. A good modern library usually subscribes to practically all the important newspapers and periodicals. Books, newspapers and periodicals are the main features of a library and they represent the endeavours, achievements and glory of writers, statesmen, scientists, philosophers and saints. A library has always a studious atmosphere. As we enter a library, we find ourselves surrounded by books and readers. We see books of all kinds and sizes reposing in their respective places, and earnest readers eagerly devouring the contents of the books they have picked up from the shelves. What is more, all possible facilities are provided to the readers. Hence library is an essential part of the student’s life. They should take full advantages of the libraries available. Students should also remember that they should not misuse the library books by marking them with ink or tearing off their pages, required by the students. Library books must be kept properly.
Library facility is available from class IV to XII.
A book shall be issued for a maximum period of seven days.
A fine of Rs. 10/- per day per book will be charged from the borrower in case of not returned by due date.
In case of loss or damage of a book, the borrower will have to pay the price of the book.
No school/carry bags are allowed in the library.